Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Lord Can Out-do Satan Anyday!

Hey family,                                                                                                         Aug 3, 2011
So despite how hard I try gaining weight, I can't seem to get it.  My gut is going away, which is fine, I never really liked a big gut.  It's gotta be the 20 minutes of exercise in the morning and all the walking I’m doing during the day.  So no need to worry. 
Anyways, a lot has happened this past week.  Or rather the past 3 weeks that I forgot to mention.  The first Sunday being here me and my companion were being accompanied by this little man that really likes to talk and make fun of me being American, so we decided to ditch him by going down this little street here.  While there on the street I saw a house that I felt we should knock on.  To make a long story short, a really old lady answered and we taught her and she turned out to be extremely prepared by the Lord (she's gonna be baptized this Saturday).  It's cool to see how strong of a testimony she already has about the gospel.  And how she is super firm only through prayer and going to church (because she doesn't know how to read).  Anyways, it was cool to see how the Lord placed that little man in our path to make us annoyed enough to go down another street.  Anyways, it's also cool to see the two forces of God and Satan here.  She really likes church and has a determination to be baptized and tells us every day that she will be baptized.  But on the other hand, her family is going crazy on her.  Her daughter doesn't agree with the church and says that we make everyone pay lots of money to go to church (I don't know where she's getting this, she doesn't attend any churches).  So she denied her own mom to go to another city to pick up a food supply of 2 months (it's like food stamps for old people).  Anyways she had 2 days to get the food, and if she doesn’t pick it up she will lose her spot and never have an opportunity to pick up food ever again.  Anyways, being the heroic missionaries that we are (and through lots of prayer), we found a way to get her there and keep from starving to death.  But yeah, Satan definitely works hard to keep people from doing the right thing.  The good thing is that she is still firm and ready to be baptized, even though she almost went without food and the likely prospect of rejection from her family.
Anyways, how’s the renovation going?  We cleaned our house the other day; it was a pretty big accomplishment. 
In that package you’re gonna send me, can you find me another backpack?  I’m looking for something extremely light, nothing more than a giant pocket with back straps.  I think that the end of August should be enough time to get the package to me.  Also can you email me the recipe for coconut rice?  My companion thinks I’m crazy that I like it, so I gotta make some for him. 
Today is pretty cold, its overcast as well so I think I’m gonna have a great nap for PDay today.
It's good that you started reading PMG, chapter 6 is one of my favorites as well, and I think it was written by Elder Holland if I remember right.  It's key to success as a missionary, and will help any member that wants to be somewhat active in missionary work.
Also tell Austin that I’m not planning on marrying anytime soon but that I’m open to advice when I get home.   
Love you, 
Elder Williams

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