Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Gaining weights a good thing??

Hey Family,                                                                                         Aug 27, 2011
It's good to hear that the renovation stuff is going good. Tell Dad that he might need to go a little bit harder on the bike before I get home and "school" him (I’m still planning on some sort of a triathlon when I get home).  This reminds me, I have this goal to gain as much weight as I can here on the mission, so I’m eating tons of rice, beans, noodles, and meat.  I think it’s coming along nicely.  The problem is that the weight is going straight to my stomach, so I’m building a sweet gut.  I can shovel in about 2 or 3 filled plates for lunch and about the same for dinner.  Anyway, (because of this goal of mine) I ran out of money and have to starve a bit this week to have enough for bus trips.  Last night our investigator made us dinner and spilled some hot sauce on my companion, so he gave him a sweet polo shirt.  Which reminds me, I forgot to tell you, this same guy bought me and my old companion some rugby polo shirts that are about 40 "reais" each (so he's progressing fairly well).  Anyways, he busted out this type of fruit that grows here.  It looks like a giant peanut but smells disgusting inside (like poop).  But it tasted alright.  I don't know what it is in English but in Portuguese its 'jatobá'. 
It's cool to hear about Houston giving a talk last Sunday.  He's a good guy.  I could tell that his testimony was really strong.  It's cool that he's gonna get hitched soon.  It's cool to see how effectively a mission can change someone.  Lately I've been thinking a lot about the Apostleship and the first presidency (current and that in Christ's time).  It's something cool to think that men as powerful as them had problems that they overcame.  I was reading in "Jesus the Christ" about Peter and how before he became an Apostle (and probably during the beginning part of his Apostleship) he was a bit of a "punk".  In that he seemed to have some pride and other qualities that people inherit here on earth and how he overcame these unrighteous qualities.  Anyway, I was thinking about how, even though it seems very difficult to overcome some un-Christ-like attributes such as pride and anger, it isn't impossible and the reward is also great (i.e. the constant companion ship of the Holy Ghost among other powerful spiritual gifts).  However as I’m learning, this can only come through prayer and the savior.  Anyways, food for thought. 
On the next package of missionary food, make sure you include some pictures of the renovation and also of the Medford Temple.
Alright I love you, keep up the good work.  Thanks for the prayers!
Love, Elder Williams
PS. My companion showed me a sweet short video yesterday.  It was a talk from Elder Holland at General Conference with clips from different films about the Savior.  It should be on YouTube, you should check it out.

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