Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Lord Protects Those in His Employ

Hey family!                                                                                    4-4-12

"Petra's" looking cute (the new name for Lily)!  Good work on the baby annie! 

These past weeks were good.  We had another BBQ gathering today.  We tried to get some sun tanning in as well, but it was really hot so we just left early to go use the internet (P-Day). 

 Conference was so good!  I learned so much.  I loved Elder Holland's talk about Christ's Parable of the workers.  It's really true about how some people envy and get jealous about the blessings that they don't get.  There are so many people here in the mission that are just like that.  They aren't looking to do their duty as missionaries, they're here to get power over OTHER missionaries.  There's a lot more politics that happen in the mission than I thought there were.  That's why I'm liking my new companion so much more than my last one.  He's just here to serve. There's a totally different spirit in the work now.  We're here to baptize for the glory of God and not necessarily here to be made the "assistant" or the next zone leader!  Im loving the mission, but a lot of missionaries make it into something that it isn't and shouldn't be.  It's kind of sad if I think about it. 

 The mission just baptised 3 people this week.  It was an all time low on the mission.  Needless to say, the President wasn't too happy about it.  Last monday we had a miracle.  We had a meeting at the presidents house where we talk about the mission and things like that; it went fine.  Afterwards we drank some more açaí drink and waited for our bus to come.  After a while our bus came by, it was super packed, but we didn't want to wait anymore so we got on it anyway.  After a few minutes, for whatever reason, we decided that we just didn't want to stand up all the way back to our area, we felt prompted to get off.  So we got off and waited for the next bus.  Ten minutes later the next bus passed by and we got on.  About 20 minutes later and close to our area, we looked out our side window and saw that same bus that we had initially got on and had been prompted to get off,  was laying in the ditch with an ambulance carrying bodies off, and frantic people standing around.  I'm pretty sure that if we stayed on that bus we probably would have died.  We were feeling pretty blessed.  Later when we got home and I started studying for a training that I would have to do the next day.  I just happened to opened up the scriptures ironically straight to D&C 25:2, which talked about how if we're faithful and virtuous the Lord will protect our life... it was a good one.  It's so cool to see how much the Lord protects his elders.  It's a big testimony builder that Christ is the master that can really do anything, it's only through Him and for Him that we should work and baptize.  Anyways I love you all!
Elder Williams

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