Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Keep Praying that Peter gets healthy and doesn't get robbed...

Hey mom and family,              7-4-12

This week was good!  It was a little bit tough due to the fact it's hard to increase our teaching group, but these past couple of days we've had some good opportunities to teach.  The sinus infection went away, I think I have something that feels like a mild version of strep throat though, it only hurts to swallow and to lie down, but it's starting to go away.  I read on the label of that medicine and it said to use it for strep throats and sinus infections.  It got rid of one thing, so it should be right.  I couldn't pull money out cuz we don't have a bank in our area, but it's ok, we didn’t starve.  We always had just enough money.  It's cool to see how much the Lord cares for us by giving us just enough.  The couch is still outside, but we know a guy that can maybe shove it in through a door by removing some things so that it can fit.  Well, by the looks of the pictures, it seems that Alaska was pretty cool.  I don't know what you guys were expecting though, Alaska's known for its cold, dreariness.  Jon Lawson wrote me.  He said that you guys are going to have a huge BBQ soon.  It seems pretty fun.  I hear Vinnys in Florida, but I agree that kid needs to go on a mission.  I've been writing him a little bit and he said that he's still planning on going on one, he just needs to "clear some stuff up", whatever that means.  My head's super busy all the time, the time's passing by so quickly, I can't believe that it's already been 5 weeks in this area training.  Anyways, we have a new president now, President Perrotti.  I hear he's pretty cool; I haven’t really gotten to know him nor see him yet.  President Tanner called me on Saturday to say goodbye, it was a pretty cool thing.  I felt special.  The other day we found a guy named Flávio.  He's just gotten here; he's only been in the city for about 2 weeks now.  Anyways, he moved here with nothing.  He's living above a Pentecostal church, so we've been teaching him inside of another church.  Anyways, we found him a job and he seems to really like us and the church.  Yesterday we challenged him again to get baptized, he said he'll pray and see what God wants of him.  You should pray for him.  We're hoping to have him baptize this Sunday.  The other day we found out that our druggy neighbors stole my companion’s camera.  It seems that they stuck their hands through the window and started digging their hands threw his dirty clothes basket, where he keeps his camera.  Anyways, we haven’t confronted him yet, but his daughter suspiciously has a brand new skateboard to play with.  Yesterday my companion was playing dumb, and broke our house key, so we had to pay 25 bucks to have a key maker come in and break in to our house.  So now we're even more scared that our neighbors will come in and steal some more stuff for drugs.  Anyways, I can feel my testimony of the restoration growing these days.  It just all makes soo much sense.  It’s made it so much easier to explain.  Anyways, I think we're all going to have a BBQ and play soccer to celebrate 4th of July.  Happy 4th of July btw!  Love you!

Elder Williams

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