Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I'm Out in the Field!!

Hey All,
I’m finally here in the field! It’s pretty awesome, I met my new companion, Elder Almeida, and he's super cool.  He doesn't speak a word of English, and I didn’t speak much Português so all is well.  The área that I’m in is super pretty.  The city of Campinas itself is really nice and it looks fairly rich compared to São Paulo city.  I’m on the outskirts of Campinas city though, and its more countryside than city which I like, I’ve never been a big city person.  Anyways, my house is nice 'n big which is filled with just me and my companion.  Its right next to the chapel and smells like pee.  I had my first contact in the field today.  His name was Elias and it was on the way here to write emails actually. Anyways, he agreed to have us come over, it was cool to speak in my broken Português.  Yesterday when I arrived we went to dinner at this part-member family.  They were nice and the food was good, but I forgot that we're not allowed to have salad from unknown areas.  So we'll see if I get the squirts or not, but I think I’ll be alright.  Then afterwards we visited the Branch President.  He's cool, I didn't understand much of what he said, but my companion could, so they spoke about random people that I haven't met yet.  In fact I think that they were talking about me but I’m not too sure.  He said that I know a lot of Portuguese though and that my accent barely has a hint of American.  It was cool. 
      Anyways my PDays are always on Wednesdays.  So basically I’ve had three PDays in a row because Monday I was packing and saying goodbye and having interviews and stuff.  Yesterday I was traveling and getting orientated and today is PDay.  So tomorrow me and my companion will have to work extra hard. 
     It’s too bad to hear that temple usage is around 35%.  But that's where strong members come in.  President Monson and other apostles have lately been focusing on having everybody rescue those in need of rescue.  And I’m sure that it’s because they need to go through the temple.
    Anyway,  nothing else is too new.  I’m happy to finally be out in the field.  I can't wait to finally be working.  Of course the Português is coming very painfully, but it's cool, I should learn it in a couple months. I love you guys; tell dad good luck with his surgery and that he'll do fine.  Keep doing those family prayers and scripture studies.
-Elder Williams

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