Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Peter misses the "Fam" and wants you to write!

Hey All!                                                                             July 6, 2011
Tell dad to heal quickly.  I’m sure his eye will, I pray for your guys' health every day.  Today I don't have too much time to write all the things I want to write.  We went to another area to play soccer with our zone because we have transfers this next Tuesday (It is our P-Day).  We played for a good 3 hours or so and are now a little bit cramped for time because we need to catch a bus and get back before 6:30 when we will be going to the temple with an investigator and his wife.  Today I had to do another "Matt Damon move" again.  Someone kicked the soccer ball over this huge wall and into someone's yard.  So I had to climb the wall, climb the giant fence that was on top of the wall, scale the wall for a bit and fall the 15 feet or so to the ground.  All while being sneaky and not disturbing our neighbors.  Then return.  This happened twice, it was awesome.  I think that the whole being on the roof, painting the trim on the house last summer prepared me for these climbing experiences I’m having here. 
Anyways, this week the mission president raised the bar for how much we should be contacting, teaching, and things like that.  It's been a bit of a race, but I like it.  It's helping me focus on the last week of the transfer.  Our zone leaders know everything about where we'll all end up, and they've been hinting that I’m gonna leave and that my companion is going to stay.  He's been there for 4 transfers already so I don't know how happy he'll be if he stays.  But I’m excited at the thought of another transfer. I think being with a new companion and a new area would help me with understanding how a mission works.
The branch President here showed me some church music that I think that dad would really like.  The first is a Mormon band named 'Afterglow' or 'After Glow'.  Anyways, from the small part I heard he sounds a lot like Josh Groban.  The second is more of a musical called 'The Garden' by Michael Mclean.  It uses an analogy of a garden to describe the more or less the plan of salvation.  It's cool.
I completely forgot that last 4th of July was a holiday, so I didn’t celebrate it.  I finished the last box of Reese’s Puffs; I forgot how good they are.   I want more, there are people here asking for more peanut butter as well, but I think I’ll be transferred before any more boxes arrive. 
Tell the family, i.e. Chris, Marc, Cassandra, and Annie to throw me an email when they get the chance (Annie wrote me recently, but she can write me again if she wants).  I miss the "Fam"!
I really like studying the atonement.  The fact that no one can truly understand the atonement is great because it means that there is a lot more to study!  I really like Talmage's "Jesus the Christ" because it helps me to do just that, and learn more about the Atonement and the Savior in general.
Anyways I should get going soon and I have to write Johnny still.  He's having a ton of success there in Cambodia.  It's cool to hear his stories.
Miss you and Love you all!
Elder Williams

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