Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Peter's Guide on How to Win Over Contacts...

Hey family,                                                                                                                                     10-26-11
Thanks for the letter mom and family, this week's gonna be great.  My new companion didn’t go to the temple last week because of transfers, so he complained and we went again today.  We should have three baptisms this week (Pray for them, Lourdes, Karine, and Mateus).  The house is looking way legit.  It's looking like the house of Carlos Martins (the 4th most richest guys in the world), he lives in this zone so I went over there to eat lunch (he’s a member).  It was sweet.  Some security guy let us in.  Anyways, I’m super jealous that you guys were all there Texas together, I've never been there yet.  It's cool the Mal has her own nickname (roller-blading mamma) in the neighborhood.  Good job Mal!  Congratulations to Sam for graduating boot camp!  Here I've been learning that a lot of missionary work is like acting, but acting with the spirit.  It's kind of like what I said to you that one day:  If you’re not happy, act like you are and you'll be happy!  It's the same thing with this missionary work.  If we act like we're doing a “big deal”, the Lord can use the Spirit through us with our confidence and give deeper meaning to our messages.  It’s so true that the mission prepares us for life!  It's teaching me how to persuade people to do what I (and the Lord) thinks they should do.  Under the influence of the spirit, just use your mind, use some teaching, meeting, finding, 'buttering-up' skills and your set  I’m nowhere close to getting them all mastered yet, but I got a good idea of what to do now, in another language too.  Sweet huh?  Well I’m gonna go take a nap now, I love you guys a ton! 
Elder Williams
PS. Go to the temple a ton…it rocks!

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